What We Believe
View our CrossRoads Covenant page or click here for a PDF version of the Covenant.View our CrossRoads Articles page or click here for a PDF version of the Articles.
What to Expect
Communion and Fellowship Dinner:
On the first Sunday of the month we have communion with a pot luck fellowship dinner downstairs after the service. There is no Sunday School on these days. Please stay and fellowship with us!Sunday Service with Kids:
We love having kids in the service! We have coloring books and crayons in the back, and scrap paper in the pews to help with busy hands. There is also an unstaffed nursery and nursing mom's room that you are welcome to go in and out of with your children if they need a break or are learning to sit in church. We have televisions in both that can stream the service.Sunday School and Youth Group:
The kids and teens are going through The Gospel Project curriculum. The Gospel Project curriculum is a chronological Bible study plan that spans three years and teaches through the whole Bible. Kids meet weekly in Sunday School and at our once a month family night. The Teens and Pre-Teens meet once a month on our family night and have devotionals they can do at home, and then bring back for Youth Group.Sunday School: After the service, we are doing a Kids' Sunday School class downstairs (except on the first Sunday of each month). We have a few parents who rotate teaching the classes. The Sunday School Class is geared towards ages 5-11, but all ages are welcome. It has a one room schoolhouse feel. We’ll typically have a group activity, short video, teaching time with discussion, and activity page.
Family Night - Kids Club and Youth Group: On the first Friday of the month, we have Kids Club and Youth Group from 6-7:30pm. Kids Club is like our Sunday School and Youth Group is open for ages 12-18.
Parents are encouraged to review the same material midweek with their family. The kids will be bringing home a handout with information on what they learned each week and the Teens have a devotional book they can do at home and will bring back to Youth Group each month.
- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting is on Tuesdays at 10am
- Bible Study on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm. All ages are welcome!
- Family Night is on the first Friday of every month. Kids ages 4-11 meet for Kids Club and ages 12-18 meet for Youth Group. Adults are welcome to stay and visit.
- Men’s Breakfasts are on the second Saturday of the month at 8:30am.
- Women’s gatherings happen sporadically throughout the year. Keep an eye on the calendar for the next one.
Our Pastor and Elders
Pastor Heath, his wife Karole-Ann, and their three sons and daughter were called to CrossRoads Church in March of 2012. Pastor Heath graduated from Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies (BICS) in 1997 and received his Bachelor of Ministry degree from the Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Development. He loves baseball and enjoys woodworking.Pastor Heath Keniston, Joel Brown, and Will Odell make up the Eldership Team.